• motor show, report
  • フランクフルトモーターショー2019|完成度の高いEVが出展 Frankfurt motor show 2019 / EV with high degree of perfection exhibited


Frankfurt motor show 2019 / EV with high degree of perfection exhibited

フランクフルトモーターショー (IAA) は、ドイツのフランクフルトで2年に1度開催される世界最大のモーターショー。今年のフランクフルトモーターショーのフォーカスは電動化で、各OEMからは新しい電気自動車(以下EV)が出展。Volkswagen ID.、Porche Taycan、Mercedes EQV、smart EQ、Audi e-tronなど、欧州での排ガス規制に対応して、完成度の高いEVが出展された。

Frankfurt motor show (IAA) is one of the biggest motor show, being held biannually in Frankfurt, Germany. It focused on electrification this year, and each OEM exhibited new electric cars(EVs). EVs with high degree of perfection such as Volkswagen ID., Porche Taycan, Mercedes EQV, smart EQ and Audi e-tron were exhibited, in accordance with the strict gas emission rules in Europe.
Press Preview dates: September 10-11, 2019
Public Show Dates: September 12-23, 2019

ひと際注目が高かったのが、VolkswagenのID.シリーズ。フランクフルトモータ ー ショーではコンパクトモデルのID.3が発表され、多くの人で賑わっていた。モーター最大出力204hp、バッテリー容量は45kWh、58kWh、77kWhとオプション設定が可能で、航続距離は330~550km。

Volkswagen ID series draw greater attention. ID.3, a compact model was launched in the show, attracting many guests. Its maximum motor output is 204hp and the battery capacity can be selected from 45kWh, 58kWh, and 77 kWh optionally and the driving range is 330 to 550km.

Porche初のEVであるTaycan。最大出力は600hpのモーターを前後輪に搭載し、0~100km/hを3.5秒で加速するEVスポーツカーの絶対的存在。バッテリー容量は93.4kWh、航続距離は500kmで、最新の800V急速充電にも対応、400km 航続できる充電が20分で可能。

Taycan, the first EV from Porche, equipped with the motors whose maximum output are 600hp at both front and rear wheel, can reach 100km/h in 3.5 seconds and is an absolute being of EV sports car.

Mercedes smart EQはsmartらしいEVに仕上がった。後輪駆動方式で、モーター最大出力82hpはきびきび走れる。また、オプションで急速充電に対応して22kWの充電器が用意されており、40分で充電できる。

Mercedes smart EQ is a“smart”like EV. It has a rear-wheel-drive system and can run energetically with its maximum motor output of 82hp. For the faster charging, 22kW battery charger can be chosen optionally. It enables the charge in 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, EQV is a minivan EV with 8 passengers. The battery capacity is 100kWh and its driving range is 405km. It has a front-wheel-drive system and the maximum motor output is 204hp.


Audi seems to get serious about EVs. E-tron has a twin motor, four-wheel-drive system with 306ps in total. The weight balance between the front and the rear is 50: 50, which is ideal. Its driving range is 450km.


Other than e-tron, AI trail quarto, a concept car has automatic driving system. Crossroad EV has a four-wheel-drive system with 4 motors.

唯一、日本のメーカで出展していたのがホンダ。Honda eは、日本的なおしゃれなインテリアデザイン。最大出力は136hp、バッテリー容量は35.5kWh、航続距離は220km。

Honda, the only Japanese exhibiter, displayed Honda e, whose interior design is smart Japanese style. Its maximum output is 136hp, the battery capacity is 35.5kWh, and the driving range is 220km.
